
Customer service – Academy in Action 2021 follow-up

In October, the IAA and Vape Retailer visited Neil Dosanjh’s Nisa Mackworth in Derby to discuss ways to enhance his customer service by having the right processes in place. We find out what’s changed

Academy in action follow-up

Each year as part of the IAA’s Academy in Action programme, we visit 10 independent retailers to help them make simple improvements in their stores in order to increase sales and profits.

IAA advice

1Write up customer-service standards so staff are on the same page

2Openly praise staff who are upholding customer-service standards

3Log shopper praise
and complaints
to find opportunities
to improve

The results

“Since the visit, we started directly praising staff when they did something well, which has boosted morale and motivation. Staff have also come up with ideas on how we can improve merchandising and the store, and we’ve received positive feedback on this from customers. Our customer-service standards are now part of a manual that we use for new hires and to refresh existing staff on what’s expected. This has made us more organised, with staff now completing tasks 15% quicker.”

Want to find out more about Vape Retailer’s visit? Click here


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