
The best thing since sliced bread

km-lbl-group-shot-copy-1Last week Kingsmill launched a new loaf onto the shelves. Not such a big deal you might think – in fact, if you’re anywhere near as indecisive as me, you might be more inclined to start screaming at the prospect of having yet another loaf to choose from.

This one, however, is something a bit different. The Little Big Loaf has been billed by the maker as “the perfect solution for smaller households” – featuring as it does full-sized “normal” bread slices – but fewer of them. The 525g loaf is the first major advancement in the bakery sector following the abolishment of laws first introduced in 1266 (and you thought you’d been in retail a long time…) dictating that loaves could only be sold in 400g sizes and multiples thereof, and the subsequent launch of a 600g loaf almost 12 months ago.

Forgetting the euphemistic “perfect solution for smaller households” tagline – thinly-veiled code for the single gentleman or lady, to you and me – the Little Big Loaf does offer the ideal chance for smaller retailers to offer the perfect top-up solution for those consumers looking for something quick and easy. Finding space on your shelf for this innovation could be important – and the bonus about the smaller size is that it should be a little bit easier for you to do so.


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