
Sunday trading: Save your business in 2 minutes

The ACS and NFRN have called on independent retailers to lobby their MPs against the new Sunday trading regu


In response to the proposal in the summer Budget to extend Sunday trading hours for large stores, the industry bodies have created a simple letter template for retailers to send to their MPs explaining the damaging impact.

We’ve put together an easy two-minute checklist. By following these step-by-step instructions, you’ll be helping to save your store’s future.

Step 1 – Find out who your local MP is

Visit the Government website via the link here. Type in your post code in the green box and press ‘Go’.

Your MP’s profile, including their contact details and constituency, should automatically appear. An example of how it should look is below:

Sunday trading This is our local MP.

Step 2 – Download the template letter to send to your MP

The letter is easily available here on the ACS website. Click on the link to download the letter in seconds.

Step 3 – Edit the template letter lobbying your MP

The ACS and NFRN have highlighted in yellow the areas you need to edit. Type the relevant information for your MP using the profile that you’ve just found.

Simply add the name of your MP, your constituency (as found via the website), your years as a retailer and number of staff to the template.

You’re also encouraged to add your personal views and experience of how the relaxed legislation will affect you.

Save letter to your computer.

Sunday trading

Step 4 – Send your letter to your MP

Either print and mail your letter to your MP, or e-mailing them it to them will save you time and money.

Create a new email, attach the letter, write a short introduction explaining that you are writing to them about how the new Sunday trading laws will impact your business and ask them to open the attachment for further details.

Then send your email to the address found on the website.

The e-mail address needed is highlighted in red. The e-mail address needed is highlighted in red.

And now you’ve joined the fight against Sunday trading laws.



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