
Sun price rise to deliver more profit to indies

A letter sent out to stores by The Sun on 18 September, seen by Better Retailing, announced Saturday and Sunday editions will each increase in price by 20p from Saturday 5 October

News UK The Sun newspapers

News UK’s decision to protect The Sun’s industry-leading retailer terms in its upcoming price rise will deliver extra sales and profit for stores.

Retail margins are being preserved at 21%, making the new margins 31.5p on Saturday issues (now priced at £1.50) and 37.8p on Sunday issues (now priced at £1.80).

Calculations by Better Retailing suggest the price rise and extra margin will from the change will give the average store £41.13 extra annual profit and £195.87 extra annual sales.

The figures are based on extrapolations of the title’s last reported newstand sales figures from 2020, based on industry averages.

The letter sent to stores thanks retailers for their “continued support of the news trade” and promises that the Sun will continue “to invest in sales-driving initiatives” such as major exclusives, popular columnists, holiday deals, and Sun Superday promotions for Merlin attractions.

The letter confirms that the same changes will be affecting Northern Ireland stockists selling copies of The Irish Sun and advises retailers to contact retailadmin@news.co.uk with any questions about store processing.

Stores are reminded to check barcodes carefully on 5 October to ensure till systems are charging the new cover price.

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