
Service to the Community – Academy in Action follow-up

Last year, the IAA and RN visited Pav Garcha’s store in Middleton, Salisbury, to advise how to increase community involvement. Three months on, we find out what he’s achieved

Each year as part of the IAA’s Academy in Action programme, we visit 12 independent retailers to help them make simple improvements in their stores in order to increase sales and profits. Last October, we visited Pav Garcha’s store in Middleton, Salisbury, along with RN’s Jack Courtez, to look and create an action plan to find ways to contribute to Pav’s local area. We catch up with Pav to find out what’s changed since our visit.

IAA Service to the Community advice

Pav’s results

“I have applied to join the parish council to action change and plan events once lockdown has ended. We’re hoping to run a winetasting session in the summer to highlight our new Central Stores own-brand wine range and bring the community closer. We’ve noted key seasonal events and plan to build displays in store to help sales. We also donated 100kg of food to The Trussell Trust and received a certificate, which is now displayed on our community notice board. Footfall has increased by 5% as a result.”

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