Shops missing out on business rates discounts

Retailers could be missing out on thousands of pounds in business rates relief

Business rates money cash

Some local stores in Wales are missing out on significant business rates discounts, analysis by Better Retailing suggests.  A Fed member from the district reached out to Better Retailing for advice on their rates bill last month, which showed they are not receiving the 75% Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rates Relief scheme, despite meeting all of the criteria.

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A search revealed that the retailer’s local author­ity, Vale of Glamorgan, is making stores apply for the relief rather than granting it automatically. The expected saving for the retailer from the relief is nearly £8,000 from this year alone. Better Retailing supported the retailer in applying for the relief and is awaiting to hear if the claim was successful.

Other authorities affected

Retailers in other local authorities in Wales, including district presi­dent Vince Malone, also had to apply to receive the relief, raising con­cerns that many others across Wales may be missing out. Malone told Better Retailing: “I was aware of the how the system worked as we ourselves have applied. It doesn’t seem right as I’m sure they already have the information they are asking for.”

Both retailers who have and have not claimed the relief for the 2023-2024 tax year may also be able to claim over­payments back if they did not receive the dis­count in previous years, going as far back as 2020. After speaking with Better Retailing, Malone confirmed he would be sharing the news with Fed members in the district.


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