
SGF appoints new board president

The Scottish Grocers Federation (SGF) has hired a new president of its national executive board

Independent retailer Graham Watson has been named as the president of the Scottish Grocers Federation (SGF)’s national executive board.

Watson is the owner of Watson’s Licenced Grocers in Glencairn, Dumfries, and is a previous recipient of a Community Retailer of the Year award. He has been replaced in his previous role as vice-president by Andy Kenney, former UK central operations director, BP Oil UK.

Pete Cheema OBE, SGF chief executive, said: “Graham is a wonderful example of everything our sector represents for communities across Scotland, and we could not ask for a better president going into the next two years.

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“Graham lives and breathes convenience retail. The past few years has been a difficult time for many retailers, with more challenges on the horizon, and having Graham on board will be a huge boon for the trade. I also want to thank some key people, Craig Brown our outgoing president for his unfaltering and distinguished service since 2022, and Andy Kenney our incoming vice-president.”

Watson added: “For many convenience retailers, running a local grocery store is in their blood. Not only do they provide essential local services for local people, but they are also at the very heart of the community they serve. So, I’m delighted to be taking up my new role as president of SGF and I want to thank the board and especially Pete for all his encouragement. Just like running a local shop, SGF is a team effort and I’m very much looking forward to working more closely with Pete, our excellent national executive, and everyone here at SGF.”

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