
RN Retailer Choice Awards 2017 – Innovation of the Year

The nominees for Innovation of the Year are...

1. Freshly squeezed orange juice  


Spar’s promotion of in-store fresh orange juice makers had driven around £20,000 worth of sales in stores where they have been trialled. It is not the first time stores have embraced fresh orange juice presses, but symbol support is widening access, with food to go and healthier eating two of the biggest trends in convenience today. A machine costs £6,000 to install, but the cost can be recouped in less than 12 months.

Did you know? Brazil is by far the largest producer of oranges in the world.


2. Deliver My Newspaper


Publishers putting their differences aside and working together on an HND-boosting initiative is a sign of how serious they are about increasing stores’ sales. Readers can sign up in five easy steps online and are then able to get six weeks’ free newspaper delivery. Titles involved in the promotion include the Sun, The Times, the Daily Mail, the Guardian, i, and the Daily Telegraph, making it by far the biggest newspaper promotion of all time.

Did you know? The first paperboy delivered the New York Sun in 1833.


3. Deliveroo online food delivery  


Founded in 2013, Deliveroo has become one of the most successful online companies in the UK, with city streets now filled with cycle couriers delivering restaurant food. Increasingly, retailers are seeing an opportunity to sell beers, wines, spirits and snacks through Deliveroo. There was genuine awe at this year’s Local Shop Summit when Sunder Sandher told delegates of the £10,000 per year profit he was making from engaging with the delivery service.

Did you know? Deliveroo has more than 400 beers and wine specialists signed up in the UK.


4. IQOS heat not burn device


In markets where IQOS has launched, it has gained a strong foothold. This year’s Pro-retail show provided many retailers with their first opportunity to see it in action. A device which heats real tobacco to create a vapour without burning, the worldwide head of Philip Morris says the development of IQOS means the company could now conceivably one day move beyond the sales of cigarettes and traditional tobacco entirely.

Did you know? IQOS removes roughly 90% of tobacco’s harmful substances.


5. Premier frozen meal deals


Former Cadbury rep Robert Kirkwood has been running his store for just over two years but he showed a natural instinct when he requested a new Premier-wide frozen meal deal including, for example, pizza, chips and ice cream. Martyn Parkinson, brand director of Premier, was behind scaling the deal up Premier-wide and he and Robert have since been getting positive feedback from the likes of John Green from Premier Green End Stores. 

Did you know? Every Premier promotional cycle now includes a frozen meal deal offer.


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