


MUP breached

Independent retailers should display visible branding on their food to go range to avoid losing sales, RN has been told.

Isla Owen, senior marketing manager at sandwich supplier Adelie Foods, said clear branding from either a supplier or symbol group is key to encouraging spend. “Customers might walk past a display where the products are perfectly fine and made with the highest quality ingredients, but they might ignore them if there’s no visible indication of where they’re from.

“It’s the simple idea of building trust and customers are more likely to purchase a product from a
retailer if there is branding to tell them where it’s from.”

Chris Herring, of Londis Shiphay Post Office in Torquay, said: “We do find having branded products
such as Discover the Choice on sandwiches and snacks certainly helps. Not only does it help them
stand out more on the shelf displays, but it creates the brand awareness that customers often
associate with trust.”


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