
Relx launches Infinity into UK market

Infinity is a premium device with an RRP of £19.90.

Relx launches Infinity into UK market

Relx Technology has launched its next-generation premium e-cigarette, Infinity, into the UK market, available to convenience retailers now, RRP £19.90.

Alongside this, it will also be launching an entry-level device called Essential, which has a more accessible price-point of £9.90.

Infinity has a smooth mouthfeel, down to its active-steam pro feature and air boost design.

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Active-steam pro helps it maintain consistent vapour volume and quality by balancing and controlling atomising power and temperature. The aerodynamic air boost design creates negative pressure that pushes the vapour up from the atomiser.

Users can charge the device with a USB-C charger or Relx’s specially designed portable charging device. The portable charger is dust and drop-proof, and is 15mm thick, making it easy enough to fit into pockets.

While the battery is small in size, its electric capacity is 1500mAh, providing up to three days of power for the Infinity device.

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