
Pharmacy prescription collection role boosts footfall

A number of retailers said they began working with their local pharmacy at the start of the pandemic

Medicine pharmacy

Stores can boost footfall through partnering with a local pharmacy to act as prescription collection points, according to those successfully providing the free service.

Deepak Kumar, of Tintagel Premier Stores in Tintagel, Cornwall, is one of several retailers that began working with the local pharmacy at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.

He told Better Retailing: “One of their branches had closed down and they were looking for new ways of distributing prescriptions. We have a locked letterbox where the pharmacy staff drop off prescriptions in bags.

“They then message customers telling them their prescription is ready for collection.

“We are in a village, so we know most of the customers. We usually ask for ID and a postcode for those we don’t know. Those who come to pick up their prescriptions have also made additional purchases.”

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