
Nisa targets energy savings with Simble partnership

SimbleSense tool will allow shops to monitor energy wastage and

Nisa has struck a partnership with energy management software firm Simble, which the symbol group says will allow shops to save on energy costs and reduce wastage.

The partnership will allow Nisa stores to connect Simble’s analytics software, known as SimbleSense, to their energy metres to provide insights into their energy usage.

“This data reveals insights including where energy is being wasted, what equipment needs upgrading to provide the greatest return on investment, and consumption data that could be used to renegotiate contracts with utility providers,” Nisa told Better Retailing.

“SimbleSense aims to help retailers understand where energy is being used and how it can be managed to minimise costs, thereby creating a “financially sustainable business,” Nisa added.

Nisa stores can access the software by going through Nisa’s Direct to Store platform on the firm’s OCS app. Much of the conversations are then completely between Simble and the retailer, with Nisa acting as an agent between the two.

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What will retailers pay?

Nisa tod Better Retailing: “There will be installation costs but these will vary from retailer to retailer based on what the SimbleSense recommendation is for saving energy. Nisa retailers do receive a financial discount for working with SimbleSense through the Direct to Store platform.

However, a 2023 Simble presentation seen by Better Retailing reveals the firm has four pricing brackets for mini stores, small C-stores, medium format C-stores, and large format C-stores. These brackets charge a monthly fee of £25, £62.50 and £125 respectively, with medium and large shops both in this upper bracket. Simble does not, however, define what sizes of shops these categories encompass, but says costs vary based on the location of meters and is subject to site surveys,

Upon installation of hardware, small stores would be charged £1,000, medium stores £2,000 and large stores £3,000 per energy meter. After purchasing the hardware, installation costs are an additional £1,000 for small and mini stores, £1,500 for medium stores, and £2,000 for large stores, potentially equalling a £5,000 upfront cost with a £125 monthly fee for a large shop.

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