Menzies to launch live vehicle tracking

The live delivery tracking system has completed trials in depots used by independent convenience stores

Menzies Distribution has announced plans to introduce live delivery tracking for retailers fol­lowing extensive delays to the project.

Part of Menzies’ update to the i-Menzies tool, the vehicle-tracking system is called Track My Delivery. It was previously known as Where’s My Van. Track My Delivery will provide a daily delivery-time window to stores.

The tool, which is available in the i-Menzies app, also enables retailers to follow the progress of their delivery drivers each morning as they travel from depot to stores.

The wholesaler has claimed the introduction of live vehicle tracking is a first for the newstrade. Menzies added that the ability “to get a better idea of the precise delivery time and also receive real-time updates” will “reduce the uncertainty and frustra­tion associated with wait­ing for deliveries”.

Track My Delivery is set to be rolled out to all Menzies customers soon. The news follows the conclu­sion of a trial testing the tool with retailers served by its Newbridge, Norwich, Sheffield and Ipswich depots.

Retailer involved in trial reveals positive results

Hemanshu Patel, owner of Saltwood General Stores in Hythe, Kent, was one of the retailers involved in the trial.

He told Better Retailing: “It went re­ally well. There were a few teething issues from the drivers not scanning at the right times. But it was good to then be able to track the van when there were reruns and lateness.

“It runs well on my Reposs till system as well, except for a few screen-resizing issues.”

Patel explained the trial had been extended from its planned dura­tion as Menzies patched “teething problems” with the system. Better Retailing under­stands that the rollout to all stores was initially planned for mid-2024. Patel added: “I think they were just taking on board the feedback we were giving.”

The Fed’s news op­erations manager, Pete Williamson, praised the move. He described “waiting for their news supplies to be delivered” as “one of the biggest frustrations” for shop owners.

“Knowing when your newspaper supplies will be delivered in the morning will be a huge help to any news retailers’ business,” Williamson said.

“It will mean retailers will be able to plan their HND rounds and staffing, and be able to warn their customers if there are go­ing to be delays.”

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