2019 Category Star
Samantha Ackland-Jones, The Village Deli, Storrington
Samantha has made fantastic use of space in her small store to really inspire her shoppers. She seeks out stories from suppliers to give details and inspiration and uses fun messaging in store to encourage purchases. Her displays are imaginative and central to the way the store is run, creating a place you want to stay and browse so it’s hard for shoppers not to want to buy.
Finalists in this category were:
- Terry Mulkerns, Mulkerns Eurospar, Newry
- Hardev Ruprai, Ruprai Food & Wines, Birmingham
- David Charman, Spar Parkfoot, West Malling
- Samantha Ackland-Jones, The Village Deli, Storrington
In association with

Click here for the full list of 36 local shops that are exceeding expectations in all 12 IAA disciplines,
plus Overall Best Shop and the new Rising Star category which was specially created this year
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