
IAA Stars 2017: In-Store Display with Mondelez International

Eddie has a strategy around how he uses displays around the shop this in-store display directly benefits his business.

Category Star 2017: Eddie Poole, Poole’s Supervalu Dromore, Dromore

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Eddie has a strategy around how he uses displays around the shop and understands how his in-store display can directly benefit his business.

He has used impactful displays to hide unwanted structural pillars, spider fridges have increased sales of fresh meat prepared by his butcher counter, and local suppliers have been asked come in, display their products and run tastings to add theatre to the experience.

Eddie’s shop has a strong seasonal focus, with staff wearing clothing to align with the displays and customer competitions linked to certain displays to increase engagement.


·       Bart Dalla-Mura, Greenhill’s Stores, Kineton

·       Julie Atkinson, Hollins Green Community Shop, Warrington

·       Eddie Poole, Poole’s Supervalu Dromore, Dromore

·       Baz Jethwa, Spar Rocket Stores, Bolton


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