
EXCLUSIVE: Post Office to give “whistleblowers” more confidence following Horizon scandal

The announcement was made at the Postmasters conference on 18 June

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Post Office (PO) has “significantly strengthened its whistleblowing functions” to give staff more confidence in holding it to account following the Horizon scandal.

Speaking at the Postmasters conference on 18 June, group chief executive Nick Read told attendees the firm had “learned from mistakes of the past” and committed itself to change. He added: “We have redefined ‘how’ and ‘what’ we do as an organisation to drive purposeful growth and ensure PO is an organisation fit for the future.

“On top of this, we have significantly strengthened our whistleblowing functions so everyone in our business can confidently raise questions without fear of the consequences.

“As we embrace restorative justice, to do all we can to right the wrongs of the past, we do so not reluctantly, but earnestly and wholeheartedly.”

Read added the firm will also improve the support postmasters receive for the day to day running of their branches. This includes training, a re-organisation of area and regional managers, and its upcoming NBIT system.

Postmasters will also see their monthly variable remuneration increase by as much as 5%, determined by meeting requirements for cash processing and accounting.

However, PO chairman Nigel Railton warned the firm would be assessing costs. He said: “One of my preconditions before taking on this role was that we do a full and proper strategic review into the business’ future. I want to be honest and say now that the review will look at costs.

“It’s important that we take the time now, to get the right answers for our future.”


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