
EXCLUSIVE: PayPoint to launch retailer rewards scheme in September

PayPoint's new programme will reward retailers for stocking associated products

PayPoint retailers are to be given a new opportu­nity to earn commission by scanning product bar­codes from next month onwards.

Messages sent to stores last week and shared with Better Retailing revealed PayPoint’s ‘Retailer Rewards’ pro­gramme will launch in September. PayPoint said a Retailer Rewards app will be added to its termi­nals automatically.

Promotions will appear on the homepage screen, which retailers can fulfil by stocking and then scanning the associated product barcodes and pressing ‘submit’ on the app on the terminal. The ‘reward’ will then be processed and paid out as part of PayPoint’s month­ly commission run into the retailer’s designated bank account.

The company said the scheme has taken months of work “behind the scenes” and refused to provide more informa­tion when asked by Better Retailing, instead stating that the full information would be shared “in a week or so”.

The level of commission payments has not been re­vealed, but PayPoint said they can be earned “just like you do with other PayPoint services”.

Second attempt at rewards scheme

The launch represents PayPoint’s second attempt at a rewards scheme. The company was previously affiliated with MyStore+, which offered shop own­ers incentives such as £5 for stocking four specific Rockstar energy drinks and £7 for stocking Lamb’s Spiced Rum 70cl.

When PayPoint part­nered with MyStore+ in 2021, it promised retailers would receive incentive payments and exclusive stock deals. However, two years later, the company that ran MyStore+ pulled the plug in August 2023, stating it had “not reached the level of offers and rewards that feel like a vi­able offer for retailers”.

Read the full story on PayPoint’s new reward retailer reward scheme in 30 August edition of RN. Find out how to get your copy here.

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