
EXCLUSIVE: One in seven retailers not planning to vote in General Election

With the General Election approaching, many retailers are disillusioned with the Labour and Conservative parties

Retailers are sceptical an upcoming Conservative or Labour government will look out for small shops, as some shopkeepers are refusing to step into the voting booth on 4 July.

Exclusive polling data by Newtrade Media of 50 retailers revealed 28% of store owners were undecided on who to vote for, while 14% were not going to place a vote in the General Election.

Of the chosen parties, Conservatives led with 24% of the vote, followed by Labour (18%) and Reform (8%). Green, independent candidates and the Scottish National Party each received 2%.

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One undecided retailer told Better Retailing: “The Tories have had a majority and they could have improved the lives of many retailers, but instead have spent the past five years squabbling with each other. I cannot allow that to continue, but I don’t hold out much hope for Labour, either.”


Another store owner said their decision not to vote was due to having “so little respect for politicians”. They added: “If the ballot paper offered ‘none of the above’ as an option, I believe there would be widespread humiliation for politicians.”

A Conservative voter in the poll stated the party was a “strong supporter of businesses”, with their local candidate voting against the recent Tobacco and Vapes Bill.

One of the retailers choosing Labour did so because of its policies on small-business taxation.

On Reform, a store owner said their decision was due to the Conservatives and Labour “making a mess of running a business”.

To read the full story, and discover what retailers have learnt from MPs and candidates visiting their stores, pick up the 2nd July edition of Retail Express


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