
EXCLUSIVE: Nisa to launch Fresh Rewards rebate tracker

Nisa’s long awaited rebate tracker is to launch on 3 June, allowing retailers to follow their weekly progress to ensure the greatest possible quarterly payout.

Messages to stores seen by Better Retailing state that Nisa’s Order Capture System (OCS) will provide updates on the symbol group’s Fresh Rewards rebate scheme, showing figures on both previous and current financial quarters.

Nisa’s statement explained: “You will now be able to track your weekly spend against the Fresh Reward rebate targets to ensure the maximum percentage rebate can be achieved in each financial quarter.”

Under the tool, Weekly spend data is tracked by purchases made in both the ambient and chilled and frozen schemes and is further categorised down by actual rebate purchases.  

Nisa retailers had called for real-time rebate performance tracking for a number of years. The wholesaler had promised the tool would be introduced, but Better Retailing understands the rollout was delayed due to the wholesaler diverting resources to tackle pricing issues in 2023.

The improvement is the latest in a series of recent changes to Nisa’s rebate scheme.

In 2023, Nisa switched from paying a share of rebates into a store development fund, which retailers must spend on store improvements, to paying out the share in cash.

At the start of 2024, Nisa removed rebate requirements to stock a credible range of Co-op own-label and increased the spending tiers.

Requirements to take part in a number of product allocations throughout the year, spend at least £900 per week on temperature controlled goods and place at least one weekly ambient order remain. The maximum rebate rate is 5.5% for Nisa branded stores or 5% for those trading under their own name.

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