EXCLUSIVE: High-margin medical testing kits launch

The kits offer average retailer margins of 37.5%

Convenience stores can now offer shoppers medi­cal testing kits covering nine common conditions, thanks to a new range of­fered by Valley Solutions.

The Newfoundland-branded home testing kits are approved by the NHS and the UK’s medicines regulator. They can detect urinary tract infections, iron deficien­cies, cholesterol levels, bowel health, pregnancy, Strep A, prostate health, thyroid issues and vita­min D levels.

Listings seen by Better Retailing show the kits carry an average retailer margin of 37.5%, increasing to as much as a 40.6% average margin when bought as part of deals which in­clude either a counter-top or floor-standing display unit free of charge. The kits come in case sizes of no larger than four, mak­ing the range lighter on a retailer’s cash flow.

Recommended prices for the tests range from £4.99 to £12.99. New­foundland claims users that follow the kits’ step-by-step instructions will receive “accurate, reliable results in minutes”.

The brand became available in major super­markets including Tesco two years ago, and now represents the first full range of health tests to become available to inde­pendent stores.

Valley Solutions is available on central billing through many symbol groups and also offers an extensive range of seasonal, general mer­chandise and personal care items.

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