Convenience stores can now offer shoppers medical testing kits covering nine common conditions, thanks to a new range offered by Valley Solutions.
The Newfoundland-branded home testing kits are approved by the NHS and the UK’s medicines regulator. They can detect urinary tract infections, iron deficiencies, cholesterol levels, bowel health, pregnancy, Strep A, prostate health, thyroid issues and vitamin D levels.
Listings seen by Better Retailing show the kits carry an average retailer margin of 37.5%, increasing to as much as a 40.6% average margin when bought as part of deals which include either a counter-top or floor-standing display unit free of charge. The kits come in case sizes of no larger than four, making the range lighter on a retailer’s cash flow.
Recommended prices for the tests range from £4.99 to £12.99. Newfoundland claims users that follow the kits’ step-by-step instructions will receive “accurate, reliable results in minutes”.
The brand became available in major supermarkets including Tesco two years ago, and now represents the first full range of health tests to become available to independent stores.
Valley Solutions is available on central billing through many symbol groups and also offers an extensive range of seasonal, general merchandise and personal care items.
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