
Boost launches 500ml format for Energy range

The range is launching in three of its top-selling varieties with a £1 price mark

boost energy 500ml
  • Product: Boost Energy Original, Original Sugar Free, Red Berry 500ml
  • Supplier: Boost Drinks
  • RRP: £1 PMP
  • Available: now

Boost Drinks is expanding its offering with the launch of a 500ml format for its Energy range, initially available in Original, Sugar Free Original and Red Berry varieties.

The range is available now, with each variety carrying a £1 price-mark. The supplier said it chose the three flavours based on sales data naming them the best-selling in its 250ml Energy range.

Currently, the 500ml drinks size is the largest in the category, worth £745m and growing annually by 13%. Boost is also the third-largest brand in energy stimulation.

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Adrian Hipkiss, commercial director at Boost Drinks, said: “It is a very exciting moment for us to be expanding on our hugely successful 250ml energy range with a new 500ml offering.

“We’ve identified the trend in consumer demand for larger, on-the-go formats with 500ml showing huge growth in the sector, so to be able to launch our iconic Original flavour, also in Sugar Free, alongside the flavour-favourite Red Berry is not just huge for consumers looking for a bigger can on the go, but also for retailers who can now enjoy XL profits.

“We’re forever committed to innovation and excellence within the soft drinks category and are excited to see the new cans roll out across wholesale and convenience.” 

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