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Free Mars POS offer

*This post dates from 2011.  The free POS promotion has now closed however the key advice is still relevant.

mars, slenda glenda, POSStore space is often limited for independent retailers, making it vital that every fixture and fitting drives return. Once the main display has been optimised and is driving sales in-store, retailers should look to implementing secondary confectionery sites throughout to drive those impulse sales. This is another great way of driving promotional activity and maximising the sales potential of the store as a whole.

Key advice

  • The bigger the store, the more opportunities there are to implement secondary sites, particularly next to other sales-driving categories.
  • A permanent secondary site should always display the bestselling lines in that category.
  • Strategic and eye-catching points of sale can play a valuable role in highlighting key activities at the appropriate time.
  • Mars has a broad range of diverse equipment which enables retailers to adapt their offering to their specific store requirements.

Slenda Glenda

Its small footprint enables retailers to stock the bestselling Bitesize pouch range, a great way to capitalise on the Big Night In trend, enjoying a night at home with friends and family.

Bitesize Wall Dividers

mars, bitesize, wall dividers, POS

Bitesize Wall Dividers are another great way to display Bitesize products: not only do they create a much tidier impression on shelf and clearly communicate brands, they have been proven to deliver a 6% uplift in sales1.

Till point Display Units

All customers pass through till point – a secondary siting must for retailers, and Mars’ Bambino Units at the till have proven to deliver a sales uplift of up to 12%2 alone. Ideal for smaller stores with limited space at the tills, the Bambino unit includes expandable shelves feature, allowing retailers to stock Standard, Duo, Extra product sizes and even GALAXY® large format blocks.

News & Confectionery fixtures

mars, news hookever unit, POS51% of convenience shoppers visit a store intending to make a News purchase, which makes fixtures such as News Hookover Units an ideal way to drive impulse sales. This extendable unit can be altered to hold between four and six Standard, Duo or Extra confectionery lines.

1 RMS Instore Ltd 2007
2 RMS Instore Ltd 2007 – based on unit being in for 12 week period

This promotion has now closed.


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