
Dairy drinks price comparison – Pricewatch

Dairy drinks are not to be overlooked. Find out how other retailers are pricing this growing category

Dairy drinks Chocolate milkshake with a retro straw in a glass bottle

Comparing the prices of dairy drinks

Behind the numbers

According to Mars, the flavoured milk category is now worth £548m, with convenience stores driving much of the growth. There’s a clear opportunity for retailers, but how are they pricing the category?

This week’s price comparison data shows some scope to review pricing to various extents across seven of the 12 lines examined, most evidently with Grenade Carb Killa. Sixty-one per cent of retailers are pricing Fudge Brownie 330ml above its most-common (and lowest) price of £2.25, with some going as high as £3.49. It’s a similar story with Cookies & Cream 330ml, which sees 60% charging above the same most-common price, with some going as high as £3.25.

Conversely, Yazoo’s Strawberry and Chocolate 400ml packs favour the most-common price, with just 13% and 14%, respectively, going above £1.59. Similarly, 77% have the mostcommon price of £1.69 on Frijj Fudge Brownie 400ml, while 85% do so for Mars Refuel 350ml.

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