
Confectionery tablets price comparison – Pricewatch

Find out what other stores are charging for hot beverages, and where you could make some extra margin


Compare the price of your confectionery range

Behind the numbers
  • The main opportunity comes from Hershey’s Cookies ’N’ Creme 90g, the only line this week charged above its most-common price by a majority of retailers. Fifty-nine per cent are selling it for as much as £2.49 compared with the 27% charging the most-common price of £1.50
  • Conversely, just 2% are exceeding Aero Peppermint 90g’s £1.89 most-common price, which is the highest in its price range among the lines analysed.
  • Thirty per cent are charging above Milka Alpine Milk’s £1.35 most-common price. This is down from 65% last year, when it was £1, although its highest price remains £1.99. 

Retailers share their top selling confectionery tablets


Avtar Sidhu

STORE  St.John’s Budgens

LOCATION  Kenilworth, Warwickshire

SIZE  1,300 sq ft

TYPE Residential


  • Cadbury Dairy Milk 95g £1.35 PMP 
  • Green & Black’s Original Milk Chocolate 90g 


Jeet Bansi


LOCATION Chesham, Buckinghamshire

SIZE 1,200 sq ft 

TYPE Residential


  • Cadbury Dairy Milk 95g £1.35 PMP 
  • Galaxy Smooth Caramel 100g £1.35 PMP 

Must-stock confectionery tablets

Read more Pricewatch to get expert product price comparison analysis and retailer insight on all the key products in your store.

Data supplied by the Retail Data Partnership, a specialist data and EPoS supplier committed to serving the independent retail sector.


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