
Beer multipacks price comparison – Pricewatch

Find out what other stores are charging for beer multipacks, and where you could make some extra margin

Compare the price of your beer multipacks range

Behind the numbers
  • Only one beer multipack has the majority of retailers charging above its most-common price: Madrí Excepcional’s four-pack. Sixty-one percent of retailers are charging above its £5.99 most-common price, the highest price charged is £7.49.
  • Meanwhile, 46% of retailers go above the £6 most-common price Peroni’s Nastro Azzurro 330ml four-pack. The highest price charged is £7.99.
  • Unsurprisingly, the highest price charged for any line here is Carling’s 440ml eighteen-pack, which is the largest multipack in the data. However, the vast majority of retailers, 77%, are sticking to the £16.99 most-common price, with only 22% exceeding it.

Retailers share their top selling beer multipacks


Anil Patel

STORE  Food & Wine Corner

LOCATION  Harrow, Greater London

SIZE  1,100 sq ft

TYPE Residential


  • Carling 18x440ml
  • Stella Artois 18x440ml
  • Foster’s 18x440ml


Anita Nye

STORE Premier Eldred Drive Stores

LOCATION Orpington, Greater London

SIZE 1,200 sq ft 

TYPE Residential


  • Desperados 12x150ml
  • Stella Artois 18x440ml
  • Foster’s 12x 440ml

Must-stock beer multipacks

Read more Pricewatch to get expert product price comparison analysis and retailer insight on all the key products in your store.

Data supplied by the Retail Data Partnership, a specialist data and EPoS supplier committed to serving the independent retail sector.


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