Boost basket spend with Old El Paso Mexican meals

Convenience retailers could boost their basket spend by 19% thanks to a new initiative and PoS from Old El Paso.

The Mexican brand is aiming to site its products alongside related ingredients, such as avocados, onions, peppers and chicken to help retailers drive cross-promotions. 

Retailers can use PoS, such as display units and clip strips near the chillers to drive sales. 

The initiative has led to sales of avocados doubling in some test stores.

Amit Odedra of One Stop in Peterborough said: “We offer a few evening meal options and we do a decent range of fresh  meat. This initiative would help us increase our sales, so it’s something that we’ll be  looking into.”

Sharon Walker, Sandylands Spar in Lancashire, said: “Our store is small and we don’t have the space, but we stock Old El Paso products. Our customers see it as they come in before they go to fresh and we do very well with it.”


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