Following cigar manufacturer Ritmeester’s announcement in August, Bentley rolling tobacco is now available exclusively to independent retailers from Booker.
The brand is available in 12.5g and 25g packs, price-marked at £4.19 and £7.99 respectively and comes in outers of 10.
The brand is targeted at Golden Virginia and Amber Leaf smokers.
Andy Swain, national sales manager for Ritmeester, said retailers should talk to their tobacco shoppers to promote the range.
“It’ll be a better margin for the retailers and a cheaper price for the consumer for a product that is equal quality,” he told Retail Express.
The brand has also committed to continue offering value after the changes in legislation next year. Taking increases in duty into account, Ritmeester estimates the 30g packs will have an RRP of £9.99.
“That’s still a great price. The other brands that the Bentley target consumer is smoking will be about £11 or £12.”
Bentley was due to launch in August but was delayed due to issues with producing the packaging. “We’ve used a high-quality packaging and foil wrap to keep the freshness sealed in. With a name like Bentley you have to have quality,” he added.
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