
App for age checks made more affordable for convenience stores

The new app uses AI to estimate a customer's age

ID Under 25 Community Alcohol Partnerships cut underage drinking

A digital age-verification tool for shops has made its service more afford­able and accessible for independent retailers, as part of a new recruitment campaign.

The AgeAI app from Privately SA can be down­loaded onto a smartphone or tablet. It uses artificial intelligence and the de­vice’s camera to estimate someone’s age when buying age-restricted products. It then triggers a warning to the cashier to ask for ID. Prices start from £50 per month.

The software has been approved by Peterborough and Cambridge Trad­ing Standards, and has received certification for European data protec­tion laws.

Expansion into convenience stores

Privately SA chief executive Deepak Tewari told Better Retailing the firm was seeking partnerships with convenience stores, as it is set to work with hundreds of vape stores in the UK.

He added: “Over the past three months, we are seeing that between 75% to 80% are identified as over 25, which means it is reducing the burden for the cashier to track IDs.

“It can also help reduce intervention. The feedback we are receiving is that staff are happy as it re­moves confrontation.

“That’s quite big because staff say they are con­fronted at night by drunk customers and younger customers. There’s always a risk of violence, so the software gives staff an­other level of support.

“That’s one of the rea­sons we’re seeing interest in the technology.”

Read more about convenience retail apps


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